Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Rumor has it

Apparently I have abs! No one would have ever guessed, or at least I would have never guessed. I've certainly never seen proof. Not that I am exactly seeing proof at this point, but oh boy let me tell you. I feel the proof right now.

Today was the first time I did the fat burner exercise in my DDP Yoga workout, and it definitely lives up to its name. I was sweating, my heart rate was up, but it was fun, and it was doable. And I absolutely love and appreciate that it is a no impact workout.

See, Zumba is a blast. I enjoy it, it's fun. I get winded faster than I'd like and my joints get a little grumpy later on in the day. (Though often enough that later on is not as later as I'd like.) I'm not giving up Zumba, but DDP is giving me the workout - with more resistance training so it has more of a muscle building effect, but is helping to heal my body. While I might have some muscle soreness after, it doesn't actually cause me real pain. As you can imagine, it is a whole lot easier to go back to.

I'm on Day 12 of my Whole30. I cannot believe I am almost half way through. I'm staying strong, making smart choices, and also have better noticed triggers I have that contribute to overeating. I apparently like to munch when I'm bored. That's no good so it's got to stop.

Something I have noticed, physically, is that my skin on my face, while dry, is looking a lot more luminous and clear. More healthy. The dryness is more that I'm in the desert area of Texas, have a bit of allergy crud going on and haven't been the best at using my moisturizer. Shame on me, I know.

Can't think of much else for now, so I'm off to go enjoy a movie and a cup of herbal tea.

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