Friday, April 20, 2012

Now have gone primal

Okay, So I know that I'm terrible and that I haven't been posting. Part of that is  because I kinda lost the website. (Stupid, I know) But a bigger part is more that I have just sort of forgot.

So, but update. I have now gone primal. What does this mean? Well, it's a complete lifestyle change. And for the first time I am actually sticking to it. Which feels great. It has now been over a week since I have had any pop, and I have been strict on this diet change. No more grains, no more legumes, no more sugar, no more processed food. 

It sounds intense, but honestly it's not bad, and I FEEL so much better. I cannot express that enough, even as I am going through the "carb flu" where I'm craving all those carbs, and I have some lovely other side effects (diarrhea, nausea, headache) my body just feels better that it did. Which sounds bizarre, I know. But I was always so completely tired and exhausted before, and never wanted to do anything. Except maybe sleep. I struggled getting up in the morning but typically managed between 9 and 10. Since a few days before making the change I have been up ever day before 8. I have had more energy, I've been getting exercise.

Oh, and in the past 2 weeks I have lost 20 lbs.